Punk poet, latterly dub poet, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Attila the Stockbroker exploded into public consciousness in 1982-3 via two John Peel sessions and a Melody Maker front cover and he is now celebrating forty years earning a living doing what he loves. Tickets: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/twm-or-nant/attila-the-stockbroker/e-eyrada Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/attilathestockbroker
Presenting songs from their acclaimed album, an exploration of the rugged landscape of mid Wales and the marches. Tickets £15 Click here for Tickets or Call 01745 812349
here’s Dad’s disgusting nettle soup and peculiar pancakes, horrible home haircuts, punishing press-ups and scum in the bathtub. BUT then there’s the joy of boxing lessons with Dad, fun family outings, jokes and pranks – and storytelling round the fire. Not to mention a home-made birthday cake like no other! Oliver’s real-life childhood – rough, […]
‘Mae rhyfel yn andwyo Ewrop. Ac mae un dyn yn wynebu argyfwng mwyaf ei fywyd.’ Drama am fywyd cynnar T.H. Parry-Williams, a’r cyfnod tyngedfennol a newidiodd y bardd a’i waith am byth.’ Welsh language play on Welsh poet T.H. Parry Williams. https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/mewn-cymeriad
Wisgi gan / by Carwyn Blayney Ers gorffen gyda’i gariad, Wini, mae Gwion yn gweld nad yw’n gallu fforddio byw ar ben ei hun. Diolch byth, mae ei hen ffrind, Iwan, angen gwely. Ond yw pethau wir ar ben rhwng Gwion a Wini? Drama ysgafn am dri pherson hunanol yn ymladd dros lety yn ystod […]
ARCHEBWCH NAWR: Ffoniwch 01745 812349